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Scroll Area (Scrollbars)

Scroll Area can be used to add Scrollbars to any scrollable components.

Comes with foundational, renderless vertical and horizontal Scrollbar components with tons of customization options.

Supports scrollbars for Column, Row, LazyColumn, LazyRow, LazyVerticalGrid and LazyHorizontalGrid, fully customizable styling and custom overflow effects.


repositories {

dependencies {

Basic Example

A scroll area consists of the following components: ScrollArea, VerticalScrollbar, HorizontalScrollbar and Thumb.

The ScrollArea wraps a scrollable component (i.e. a Column, a LazyRow or LazyGrid) and maintains information about their scrolled position.

The VerticalScrollbar/HorizontalScrollbar components represent the track of the scrollbar and accept a thumb component.

The Thumb represents the thumb of a scrollbar and will automatically sync their position and size according to the scrolled position of the ScrollArea.

Here is a simple example of adding vertical scrollbar to a LazyColumn:

val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val state = rememberScrollAreaState(lazyListState)

ScrollArea(state = state) {
    LazyColumn(state = lazyListState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        repeat(50) { i ->
            item {
                BasicText("Item #${i}")
        modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd)
    ) {

Code Examples

Add scrollbars to LazyLists

Wrap your LazyColumn or LazyList with a ScrollArea and pass its state to the scroll area's state:

val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val state = rememberScrollAreaState(lazyListState)

ScrollArea(state = state) {
    LazyColumn(state = lazyListState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        repeat(50) { i ->
            item {
                BasicText("Item #${i}")
        modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd)
    ) {

Add scrollbars to LazyGrids

Wrap your LazyVerticalGrid or LazyHorizontalGrid with a ScrollArea and pass its state to the scroll area's state:

val lazyGridState = rememberLazyGridState()
val state = rememberScrollAreaState(lazyGridState)

ScrollArea(state = state) {
        columns = GridCells.Fixed(3),
        state = lazyGridState,
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
    ) {
        repeat(50) { i ->
            item {
                    Modifier.padding(4.dp).size(48.dp).background(Color.LightGray, RoundedCornerShape(8.dp)),
                    contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
                ) {
    VerticalScrollbar(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd).fillMaxHeight()) {
            modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Black.copy(0.3f), RoundedCornerShape(100)),

Add scrollbars to Column and Row

Wrap your Column or Row with a ScrollArea and pass the scroll state you used in your vertical state to the scroll area's state:

val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
val state = rememberScrollAreaState(scrollState)

ScrollArea(state = state) {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().verticalScroll(scrollState)
    ) {
        repeat(50) { i ->
        modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd).fillMaxHeight()
    ) {
            modifier = Modifier.background(
                Color.Black.copy(0.3f), RoundedCornerShape(100)

Styling the scrollbar and thumb

Pass any styling you need to the Modifier of your Scrollbar component.

You can customize the looks of your thumb using the modifier of the Thumb component.

Here is an example of a semi-transparent scrollbar, with a fully rounded, semi-transparent thumb:

val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val state = rememberScrollAreaState(lazyListState)

ScrollArea(state = state) {
    LazyColumn(state = lazyListState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        repeat(50) { i ->
            item {
                BasicText("Item #${i}")
        modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd)
    ) {
        Thumb(Modifier.background(Color.Black.copy(0.3f), RoundedCornerShape(100)))

Automatically hide the scrollbar

By default, the scrollbar will always remain visible on the screen.

To modify this behavior, pass the customization you need using the thumbVisibility parameter of the Thumb component.

Here is an example of automatically hiding the scrollbar while idling for 0.5 seconds:

val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val state = rememberScrollAreaState(lazyListState)

ScrollArea(state = state) {
    LazyColumn(state = lazyListState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        repeat(50) { i ->
            item {
                BasicText("Item #${i}")
    VerticalScrollbar(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd).fillMaxHeight()) {
            modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Black.copy(0.3f), RoundedCornerShape(100)),
            thumbVisibility = ThumbVisibility.HideWhileIdle(
                enter = fadeIn(),
                exit = fadeOut(),
                hideDelay = 0.5.seconds

Customize the overscroll effect

By default, the scroll area will use the platform's default OverscrollEffect.

To remove it or provide your own custom effect, pass a new one via the overscrollEffect parameter:

val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()

    overscrollEffect = null,
    state = rememberScrollAreaState(lazyListState),
) {
    LazyColumn(state = lazyListState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        repeat(50) { i ->
            item {
                BasicText("Item #${i}")
        modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd)
    ) {

Disable thumb dragging

By default, pressing on the thumb will causes the contents of the scroll area to scroll (fast scroll).

To disable this behavior, pass enabled = false to the Thumb component:

val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val state = rememberScrollAreaState(lazyListState)

ScrollArea(state = state) {
    LazyColumn(state = lazyListState, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        repeat(50) { i ->
            item {
                BasicText("Item #${i}")
    VerticalScrollbar(modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd).fillMaxHeight()) {
            modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Black.copy(0.3f), RoundedCornerShape(100)),
            enabled = false

Styled Examples

Looking for styled components for Jetpack Compose or Compose Multiplatform?

Explore a rich collection of production ready examples at

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