Compose Unstyled¶
Unstyled, fully accessible components for Jetpack Compose & Compose Multiplatform that you can customize to your heart's content.
Available for 🖥️ Desktop, 🌐 Web (Js/WASM), 🤖 Android, 🍎 iOS, and any other platform Compose can run on.
What developers say¶
"@alexstyl just wanted to let you know that we just transition from M3 Modal Bottom Sheet to your Compose Unstyled one and it fixed multiple issues 🎉"
"Ever since Compose Unstyled was pointed out to me I use that one.
Simpler API, and it actually works. I like it a lot, after continuously having something broken with the (Material Compose) bottom sheets."
"This man did, what Googlers couldn't in 3 years of scrollbars "being on the roadmap" #androiddev"
"I wrote this library, so this will be biased 😁. I was tired of dealing with Material Compose sheets and dialogs issues, so I decided to write my own from scratch.
Plus, I needed high-quality, non-Material looking components for my Compose Multiplatform (desktop) apps, hence this library was born."
Super simple migration¶
Check out Gravatar's PR of migrating their Modal Bottom Sheets from Material Compose to Compose Unstyled